Here are just some of the things you might want to know:
"...combining the pill with alcohol can cause
dangerously low blood pressure and fainting." Sounds
like the stuff Cosby was slipping women.
"This is not a drug you take an hour before you have
sex. You have to take it for weeks and months in order to see any benefit at
all." If I have to go without alcohol for weeks or months in order to have
sex – Wait a minute. Why would anyone
even want to have sex without alcohol?
What am I? Amish?
"Sprout Pharmaceutical's drug is intended to treat
women who report emotional stress due to a lack of libido." I've
never known a woman who couldn't solve any kind of stress with chocolate.
“Safety advocates and pharmaceutical critics warn that Addyi
is a problem-prone drug for a questionable medical condition.” Because
obviously women must be sick if they don’t want to do the old in-and-out, says
a male-dominated drug industry. And if
they’re not, hey -- we’ll just make them think they are. Can’t wait for the SNL skits on this one.
“Addyi is the first drug that acts on brain chemicals that
affect mood and appetite.” But alcohol already puts me in a good mood
and caffeine curbs my appetite. And if I’m happy and skinny, I’ll probably want to have sex.
“Studies show that on average Addyi increased the number of
so-called satisfying sexual events by half to one additional event per month
over a placebo.” Half? WTF is half of a satisfying
sexual event? Oh, right. That’s when he gets off and you don’t. Can’t get enough of those, can we ladies?
I can only imagine the women whose partners will be pressuring them to take this shit... Pass the tequila. I’ll show you a sexually satisfying experience.
To read the entire article at The Huffington Post and make
up your own mind click here.