Sunday, July 10, 2011

injaynesworld it's the "Sunday Recap..."

Former First Lady Betty Ford died Friday at the age of 93.  

Known for being pro-choice and speaking out for women’s equality, often to the chagrin of the husband who adored her, she was a classy lady and a just a great all-around broad in the best sense.  I actually voted for Gerald Ford because I liked Betty so much.   Now I’m nostalgic for both of them. 


And in case you missed it amidst the 24 hour coverage ad nauseum of Casey Anthony  – there was another Exxon oil spill this week, this time in the Yellowstone River 

A 12-inch pipeline ruptured on Friday dumping 42,000 of crude oil into the flood-swollen river which has now befouled farm land, water wells, and is threatening wildlife. 


And next time you think the oil companies are not in cahoots with the auto industry, think about this…


More than a little irony…

Among those tweeting their outrage over the Casey Anthony verdict this week was none other than Kim Kardashian...

... whose father, the late defense attorney Robert Kardashian, got O.J. Simpson off the hook.


You bang it, you buy it…

A U.S. soldier was just “being all that he could be…” when he broke into an adult novelty store to find a friend.  Captain Little Jim (his real name) was discovered by police officers in a closet attempting to have sex with a blow-up doll.

The manager of the shop lamented, “It’s sad.  Our stuff is really reasonably priced.”

In the soldier’s defense, the store was closed and a man has needs. 


Which reminds me of one of my all-time favorite movies, “Lars and The Real Girl.” 

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