If you’re like me, you’ve got whip lash from the speed with which the Susan G. Koman Foundation was able to spout policy changes out of both sides of their mouth this week, all while having their head up their ass. Quite a feat.
No one put this kind of bullshit into perspective like George Carlin…
Mitt Romney receives taxpayer-paid Secret Service protection.
Because a personal fortune of $190 million dollars apparently isn’t enough to pay for it himself. Yeah, I know, this is standard operating procedure, but we’re broke. Ask any Republican. We have to cut, cut, cut! Oh well. I guess we can always take it from that well-funded “safety net” for the poor.
From Arizona, the “good judgment” state, comes this story…

I'm thinking that did not get him laid that night.
Ellen also made news this week…
… when she signed on to be the face of J.C. Penney, sending the polyester pants of the group “One Million Moms” all up in a major wedgie. But she kisses girls and she likes it!!! An offshoot of the right wing-nut “American Family Association,” the group vows to boycott the store until Ellen is fired.
Funny, I didn’t hear this outcry when Ellen became spokeswoman for Cover Girl. Oh, sure. It’s easy to just go shop at another store. Not so easy to find a great mascara, is it ladies?
I couldn’t help thinking of those frightened “one million” moms when I saw this video…
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