Thursday, January 30, 2014
injaynesworld "Funny Is The New Pretty..."
If you came by to watch me stick my foot in my mouth once again, you're in luck. I'm doing plenty of that over at Funny Is Pretty today. Come on by and give me some love...
"Like" their Facebook fan page by midnight Friday for a chance to win a copy of "Suitable for Giving; A Collection of Wit with a Side of Wry," by yours truly.
Monday, January 20, 2014
injaynesworld "What We Do For Love..."

Her friends and family had warned her that caring
for Max alone would be hard, and there were times, like now, when she, too,
wondered if keeping him had been a mistake.
But when she felt the warmth of his body snuggling
against hers, his breathing in rhythm with her own, and the gaze of those
innocent brown eyes, her heart filled and she knew she could not give him
up. They had both been left too many times.
So here she was again, her hand a frozen fist
around the leash, waiting for the giant, Shepherd pup to stop his endless
circling and do his business in the goddamn snow, while reminding herself that
she had put up with a lot worse for love.
This post in
response to the prompt “clutch” at Five Sentence Fiction.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
injaynesworld "We Don't Do Windows..."

On Chicago’s
South Side this past week, two people in their 70s were found in their home
buried under mounds of trash. Apparently,
their neighbors began to worry when they hadn’t been seen for three weeks. The couple was hospitalized and both are
expected to recover. You’d think stories
like this would scare me into mending my ways.
I’m not a hoarder. I
just can’t seem to win the crusade against clutter.
But if you think my house is a mess, you should see what’s
going on inside my head.. There’s crap in
there that’s been collecting for decades:
Old grievances and fears, worries
over what has/hasn’t/may happen, unrealized dreams, and a huge assortment of
other useless data that may only come in handy should I one day go on a TV game
As another birthday approaches, I’ve resolved to finally get
my house in order and to that end I intend to let go of everything that doesn’t
serve my highest good.
And while I’m at it, maybe I should do the windows,
too. It may help me get a clearer view
on the world.
Monday, January 6, 2014
injaynesworld it was "A New Year's Eve to Remember..."

An explosion of sound greeted him, and then the cries of “It's a boy!” mingling with his own.
This post is
from the prompt “Moments” at Five Sentence Fiction. Happy New Year everyone!
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