Monday, March 19, 2018
injaynesworld we've "Gone Visiting..."
If you're looking for me here, I'm actually over here today being interviewed by the lovely Nancy Stohlman.
Drop by and learn my secret for getting a tough stain out. ;) Oh, yeah. And I talk about writing, too.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
injaynesworld we are "Bitter -- Party of One..."
Valentine’s Day… Ah, yes. A day to celebrate love. A day for lovers to snuggle in that candle-lit corner booth, gaze into each other’s eyes and proclaim their undying affections. A day retailers everywhere go out of their way to make you feel special because you are a twosome.
Yes, today is your day. As for me and singles everywhere? Not so much… Here’s what we get:
Happy You Can Forget About Flowers Too Day
Happy Don’t Even Think About A Card -- It Ain’t Gonna Happen Day
Happy You Get To Order From The Regular Menu Day
Happy Mercy Call From Mom Day
Happy Yes That Is Pity In Their Eyes You See Day
Happy Double-Occupancy-Only Day
Now lest you think I’m complaining about being single, let me assure you otherwise. I could have married if I’d wanted. I had suitors. I’m not exactly leper material. And I have nothing against those who choose to pair up. Mazel tov. All I ask is that as a single I, too, get a day dedicated to recognizing, celebrating, and rewarding my awesomeness.
According to the last census, there were 92 million of us single types here in the old U. S. of A.
In the 1980s, the Buckeye Singles Council in Ohio started “National Singles Week” to be celebrated each September 21st through the 27th. So how come I didn’t get the memo? Huh? Ninety-two million of us and Hallmark can’t even come out with a damn card? Obviously, this is a vast right-wing conspiracy to keep us down.
Happy Thank You For Using Less Resources, You Get A Tax Break Week
Happy The Toilet Seat Stays In The Position Of Your Choosing Week
Happy Buy What You Want It’s Your Money Week
Happy Only Put Up With Your Own Family’s Bullshit Week
Happy Ice Cream For Dinner? No Problem Week
Happy No Endlessly Stroking Someone Else’s Ego Week
Happy That Remote Has Your Name On It Week
Happy No Explanations To Anyone For Anything Week
Happy You Made It On Your Own Good For You Week
Oh, yeah… and I’ll be expecting gifts.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
injaynesworld "Santa Is A Scary Bastard..."
Am I the only one feeling a little less jolly this year?
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
injaynesworld we "Remember Kent State..."
May 4th, 1970
Linger behind eyelids tightly clenched
The shots, the screams, the anguish
Allison, Sandra, Jeffrey, William
Bullets rip through lives barely begun
"Four dead in O-hi-o"*
Words find no escape, lungs labor for breath
A wave of tears and shock bring us to our knees
A nation's shame plays out before the world
We hold candles, we hold each other, we march
We sing "Give peace a chance"
We mourn, we cry, we rage
We march, we march, we march
*From "Ohio" by Neil Young
Sunday, April 16, 2017
injaynesworld it's "A Giraffe Named 'Joe Cocker'..."

The Oddest Easter Gift
feet tall, bright orange with yellow spots and balanced somewhat precariously
on four furry legs, its long neck drooped forward to reveal a facial expression as perplexed my own.
Every Easter,
right up to the year I moved out at the age of 19, my mother would make up an Easter
basket filled with my favorite See’s Candies chocolates and buy me a stuffed
animal. That year, it was a giraffe.
I took “Joe
Cocker” with me to every home I lived in up to the age of 42, where he would
always take up an entire corner of my bedroom – something my boyfriends over
the years must have wondered about and possibly a reason why I’m still
single. It wasn’t that I was so enamored
with the large, fuzzy beast. It
certainly never went with any of my décor. Truth be told, I wish she’d chosen something more traditional – and
smaller. Perhaps something that had some
symbolic connection to the holiday. But
then, that would have been ordinary and my mother, who for my high school graduation
in 1967 gifted me with my first birth control prescription, was never
ordinary. Still, I always wondered what
her thinking was behind such an odd choice or mine in carting it around all
those years. I do recall that the
thought of throwing it away filled me with guilt. Of course, as a Catholic, however lapsed,
just about anything can fill me with guilt, but still such a decision would
not have been unreasonable as time went by.
I believe
now that it may have been my mother’s way of saying “Remember that my love for
you is enormous,” as I was about to leave her life and start my own. I wonder what that must have been like for
her, living alone for the first time at the age 51, her main purpose – raising
me – now over. She died only three
years later. Each Easter, I still smile
at the memory of walking into the living room that morning so many decades ago
and seeing my mother sitting on the couch in her robe, a cup of coffee in her
hand, and an expression of excitement on her face as she anticipated my
reaction to her surprise.
When I
finally decided that the giraffe really did need to move on, I carefully sewed
up the torn seams where various cats had used its legs as scratching posts, and
donated it to a thrift shop that benefited the local animal shelter where I
felt it had the best chance of finding a good home. It’s been several years now and I’d like to
believe that on another Easter morning some other child woke up to find this
huge expression of their own mother’s love, however odd they may have found it
at the time. And that they are still
carting it around.
Monday, December 19, 2016
injaynesworld it's "A Christmas Story..."
Spirit of the Season
The line wound all the
way out the post office door. Bundled
against the winter chill and laden with last-minute packages to be sent to her
family, Dawn tried to ignore the chatter all around her.
“We’re going to my
daughter’s house for Christmas…”
She would be alone this
year. She couldn’t face the pitying
looks from her sisters; the whispers. She never has finished anything she started.
“…Molly and all the
kids will be with us…”
Just her and Bruno, the
Rottie they’d adopted as a puppy. She’d
agreed to allow Sam visitation in order to get custody. For once she was grateful he’d be with his
new girlfriend in the coming week.
“… My parents are
flying in on Tuesday…”
Her mother cried when
she said she wasn’t coming. More
guilt. The postal line edged
“… We’re having an open
house on Christmas Eve. I hope you’ll
Dawn had turned down
all her friends’ invitations. She was
going to take her days off from work to stay in her pajamas, eat junk food and
binge-watch sad movies: “Love Story,” “Terms of Endearment,” and “The Notebook”
were already in her queue. All she’d felt since the divorce was anger. Her
therapist had told her she needed to cry, mourn, get it all out.
“Merry Christmas...
Happy Holidays!”
Damn. This really sucked. Oh, hell…
She took out her
phone. Maybe she could still book a
May this holiday season find you all surrounded by those you love most.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
injaynesworld we "Shelter in Place..."
I awoke this morning to gentle cloud cover over the peaceful landscape of my rural valley. I breathed in the cool air, gazed out at the beauty that surrounds and nourishes me and gave thanks to God for such blessings. Coffee was brewed, dogs fed, I planned my day: Some writing this morning, a ride on my horse mid-day, plants to water and trim this afternoon, and tonight “The Tonys.” I cursed CBS for not broadcasting them live on the West Coast and that was my biggest concern of the morning.
Then I turn on the Internet. I do this with some trepidation because
yesterday morning I did so only to find that some mad man had gunned down
22-year-old singer Christina Grimmie; a beautiful, young girl whose life held
such promise, now gone. Although, not a day goes by without news of a killing
somewhere, it often passes my attention like background noise, a steady hum that
one learns to tune out, for to focus on each senseless death would plummet us
into a state of constant grief.
My Internet opens to Google news. I expect some additional details on Grimmie’s
killer. I expect to still feel
anger. I expect to still feel sorrow for
the Grimmie family. I do not expect:
- 51
minutes ago
Orlando, Florida (CNN) A
gay nightclub here was the scene early Sunday of the worst terror attack in
U.S. history since 9/11. * 50 people were killed inside the Pulse club and at
least 53 people were injured, police say.
My mind explodes, thoughts shooting off in all
directions like a rack of pool balls, its whole shattered, its parts seeking
escape, much like what I imagine the inside of that nightclub to have been: The terror, the shock, the complete horror that
this could be happening – again.
I can’t watch the news. I can’t absorb such carnage anymore. My mind struggles to comprehend the
incomprehensible. What was it I was
going to write about today? Any attempt
at words now seems foolish and self-serving, yet I yearn for some order.
Raised in an age where murder was mostly the stuff
of cops-and-robbers shows, where nobody carried around guns unless they were
hunting, where a TV news story of a killing was still considered aberrant, the
world I see now so rampant with disregard for human life is
unrecognizable. When did this mass
madness infect us? How did we get
here? How do we cope?
Outside my window, my personal world remains
untouched. The hillsides the color of
wheat dotted with oak trees; deer graze, a spring-born fawn at their sides,
birds continue their song. The contrast
is surreal. I turn off the Internet, turn
off the television, shut out everything but that directly in my view. I pull this cloak of serenity around me,
huddle in its comfort, tell myself I’m safe.
I shelter in place.
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