Mrs. Brady gets crabs… (shameless plug alert)
Why is it that celebrities, especially those looking to shed their wholesome images, feel the need to share way too much about themselves? I’ve obviously been living under a rock, because it was only this week that I became aware of Florence Henderson’s recent memoir where one of America’s favorite TV-mom spills on a one-nighter she had with then NewYork Mayor John Lindsay and the post-coital critters he gave her to remember him by.
What’s next? Will Mrs. Cunningham reveal that she went down on the Fonz? Did Maggie Seaver get it on with Shirley Partridge? Do whatever makes you happy ladies, but honestly, I don’t need to know. Flo's is one book I don't find "Suitable for Giving" at all.
Unlike mine, which will be out this week, at least in paperback and guaranteed crabs-free.
Nothing says “Good Tidings to All” like a grenade launcher…
From Arizona, the state that brought us the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and slaughter of six others, those merry folks at the Scottsdale Gun Club bring you the Christmas family photo op of your sick-ass dreams.
Calling it just a “fun way” for people to “express their holiday spirit and passion for firearms,” I can only wonder how much fun the loved ones of those injured and killed on that tragic day see in this.
Teach your children well…
In the real spirit of the season…
Folks in Reading, PA, a town dubbed one of America’s poorest cities, were visited by a “Secret Santa” sporting a hat that said “Elf” and handing out crisp new $100 dollar bills to folks in need, including a young, despondent out-of-work father, a mother of six and even the dishwasher at the local Salvation Army. Making his way through the downtown streets, “Santa” gave away $20,000 dollars before he was through and plans visits to other hard-hit cities, as well.
Continuing in the Secret Santa tradition of the late Larry Stewart who gave away $1.3 million over 25 years until his death in 2006, the current Santa, who will identify himself only as a businessman, said “Cities like Reading are experiencing tough economic times. It’s time for us to step up, not step back.” In return for his gifts, “Santa” asks only that the recipients do something nice for someone else this Christmas season.
Now doesn’t this make up for the crabs and guns stories?
GOP plays the Trump card…
Yes, the Donald has been selected to be the moderator of the next Republican debate. Ron Paul has refused to attend, stating that the choice of Trump will create a “circus-like atmosphere.” In response, Trump said to Paul, “I know you are, but what am I?” This is what the party of Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt has come to.
I can only assume that none of the Kardashians were available.
With Cain having imploded and Romney unable to get any respect at all…
It looks like the GOP’s great white dope for the White House will be a fat guy named after a lizard.
But don’t let that ruin your Christmas.