This time it was actress Elizabeth Hurley’s wayward nipple on display, and apparently it’s freakishly large, too. Look at the size of that “X”.
Okay, I’m done with nipples now. I promise.
Starting off with week’s “You Can’t Make This Shit Up” Award…
The mother of an elementary school student in
Officers who arrived on the scene retrieved a black cane that concealed the blade and “Ninja Mom” has been charged with assault.
On a sad note...

Take heart, guys. There’s always the Corvette.
Our Douchebag of the Week Award goes to… What a surprise! A Republican!
Jim Bunning, the Senator from
As Democratic senators asked again and again for unanimous consent for a vote on a 30-day extension Thursday night, Bunning refused to go along and, at one point during the debate, even complained of missing a basketball game.
When Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) pleaded with him to consider the people who would be hurt and drop his objection, Bunning replied: "Tough shit."
And before any soul-sucking son-of-bitch goes all “screw those free-loaders” on me, stop and consider this: That’s 1.2 million people who won’t be putting that money immediately back into their local economies next week.
Finally, there was huge news everywhere this week: the Olympics, the Health Summit, the tragedy at Sea World, a massive earthquake in Chile , but perhaps nothing so big – so important – so newsworthy as…
Personally, I liked her. I thought she was funny and warm, while being pretty astute in her critiques. What about you? Like her? Hate her? Let’s see a show of hands…
I perform unnatural acts for comments…