It was a tough week to find anything funny or entertaining to write about. My urgings were to stay tucked in the fetal position under my electric blanket with a sippy cup of tequila and my
Has the Aretha Franklin become a link in her very own “Chain of Fools?”

I’d want Penelope Cruz to play me. Hey – Aretha’s got her fantasies and I’ve got mine.
I bet you’ve got yours, too.
Happy Birthday, Betty White…
At 89 years old, she is living proof that age is only a number. I love Betty White somewhere in between more than just a fan, but less than a stalker. Recently, I became only “one degree of separation” from my fantasy bff when my friend, Andy, produced a TV-movie that she starred in to be aired January 30th on CBS.
This is my friend, Andy with Betty.
If I had any skill at Photoshop, I’d replace his face with mine and lie through my teeth.
As we all know, Betty White is a lover of animals, but I have to wonder if even she would draw the line at this.
Animal Planet is Freezing Fido…
The all-animals, all-the-time network is launching a new reality show with stories about people who can’t let go – of their pets, that is. Set in Romance, Arkansas , the show spotlights the growing practice of preserving Platypuss forever via freeze-drying technology. Why Romance, Arkansas , you may ask? Are the 246 folks living there more sentimental than the rest of us?
According to the producer, “Showcasing different lifestyles, new worlds and new things is what television should be all about.”
And here I thought we covered that with “The Jersey Shore.” I think I’ll be skipping this one.
Radically shifting gears…
Republicans hoping to “kill Obamacare” may find unlikely new defenders blocking their path.
According to Forbes, “Major health insurance companies are reporting a significant increase in their business due to the increase in small businesses voluntarily offering health care benefits to their employees” since the passage of the health care reform law.
In other words, thanks to the tax cut created in the new law providing small businesses with an incentive to do so, “Obamacare” is working exactly as promised to bring health care coverage to more of us working stiffs and private market insurance companies are benefiting.
So much for the lies of “job killing” and cries of “government takeover of health care.”
In addition, the health care bill provides money for increased mental health services…
And after this week, can anyone argue against the necessity of that?
“We should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children’s expectations…”
I was very proud of President Obama this week.
While I’ve often criticized his desire for bipartisanship as naïve and found it frustrating, his unrelenting pursuit of bridging that which divides us finally made sense to me in the aftermath of the Tuscon shootings.
Of course, there were still those who found fault with the President's speech and couldn't resist attacking him even in this time of national mourning.
While I agree that there is too much cynicism in our collective conversation, I have no plans to retire my "Steaming Pile of Shit Award" any time soon. Limbaugh, this one’s for you.
And finally, just for laughs…
Snooki, sans her trademark leopard print dress, appeared on the David Letterman Show this past week to give the ten top reasons for why you should buy her book, “A Shore Thing” -- which are ten reasons more that anyone has been able to come up with to buy a book by Sarah Palin.